Ozone production and it oxidising action

The most common Ozone production method nowadays is Corona Discharge: the reason for this is that CD technology has a series of advantages compared to the previously used methods (e.g. UV lamps). Normally, a flux of dry air or Oxygen it is made pass through a high voltage electric discharge. The electric discharges break the stable Oxygen molecule and form two atoms of Oxygen. These atoms can then combine with other Oxygen molecules to form Ozone.


The Ozone produced is attracted by all the organic substances in its path. In particular, its molecules oxidise the cell membrane by creating holes which finally lead to cellular lysis. Once its oxidising action is finished, Ozone reverts back to Oxygen without leaving any harmful by-products.


Ozone is a broad spectrum germicide against bacteria, pathogens, yeasts and moulds, as well as viruses and protozoa. Compared to other disinfectants normally used, a microorganisms’ resistance to Ozone has not yet been detected: this is probably due to Ozone’s sanitation mechanism which involves the destruction of the cell membrane (lysis).